

的 Bachelor and 英语文学硕士 degree programs at the University of 南 Alabama prepare students for jobs in professional settings including teaching, writing, 商业领域. English majors and minors are taught by talented faculty and field experts in creative writing, literature, and professional writing in the College of 艺术与科学. English undergraduate student Kelsi Fails describes her passion for writing poetry 在美国学习文学.

的 English undergraduate program allows students to explore the study of literature and interpretation of novels, stories, poems and essays through critical approaches and writing, build the skills to craft meaningful creative work, and develop skills 在专业写作和编辑. 英语硕士课程为学生提供 in the creative writing and literature concentrations advanced study and preparation 从事与英语相关的职业以及进一步的研究生学习. 也可以通过课堂 as research opportunities and internships, students build skills in critical reading and writing, research, and instruction that support a range of career fields in business 和教育.




As part of the 英语系's Spring Series on the Body, renowned scholar 伊莱恩斯凯瑞 将发表题为“工作中的身体:重新审视? 痛苦的身体." 的 Cabot Professor of Aesthetics and a Senior Fellow at Harvard's Society of Fellows, Scarry pursues two central subjects in her work: the nature of physical injury and 人类创造的本质. 她的著名著作包括 痛苦中的身体:世界的形成与毁灭 (1985), 论美与正义 (1999)和 热核君主制:民主与毁灭之间的选择 (2014).

Please note: this free event is co-sponsored by Modern and Classical Languages and 文学.



的 英语系 reviews applications on a continuing basis for part-time instructors, 主要是教作文. 文献调查和技术写作部分是 available occasionally for those who are qualified in those areas.

最低要求:M.A. 用英语. 

Please send your vita, cover letter, and contact information for three professional 推荐信和成绩单通过电子邮件发送给博士. 帕特里克·肖: pjshaw@sunnyweigroup.com

十大玩彩信誉平台 is an EO/AA employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression), religion, age, genetic information, disability, 或者受保护的退伍军人身份.


的 英语系 believes it important to reaffirm to our students and community 我们恪守以下原则:

  • We commit ourselves to the principles of anti-racism: to actively disavow and condemn discriminatory language, actions, and images that create unequal learning opportunities.

  • We work to foreground specific historical, social, and cultural contexts for the texts we teach and write, emphasizing that art and thought do not exist in isolation from the structural inequalities and systemic inequities of our history and politics.

  • We view the classroom as a unique space where we can walk in with one idea and come out with quite another, where our ideas and values are tested for validity in discussion with peers, where we work each day to build the common ground on which our university 我们的国家必须安息.

  • We will continue to expand the diversity of issues, authors, and texts represented at all levels of our curriculum with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, 和能力. And finally, we affirm our solidarity with all members of our academic 社区受到种族主义行为和言论的伤害.


星期一- 2023年2月20日
这部电影的编剧和监制都是李博士. Kern Jackson, director of USA's African American Studies program. 的...
星期五- 2023年2月3日
Dionne Irving will read from her latest short story collection "的 Islands."
畅销小说家艾米丽·St. 约翰·曼德尔将在美国演讲
畅销小说家艾米丽·St. 约翰·曼德尔将在美国演讲
艾米丽圣. John Mandel will be the keynote speaker as part of 的 斯托克斯创意写作中心 访问ing Writers'...